What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is designed to help you feel serene, calm, and at ease during dental operations. With a moderate sedation dose, you remain technically awake while feeling significantly relaxed. This approach is sometimes referred to as conscious sedation dentistry or "twilight sleep." It creates a temporary state of amnesia (forgetfulness), allowing you to experience dental procedures without pain while still being conscious. The levels of sedation used in dentistry include:


Minimal Sedation: You stay awake but feel relaxed.

Moderate Sedation (previously known as "conscious sedation"): You might find it difficult to speak clearly and may not remember much of the procedure.

Deep Sedation: You hover on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.

General Anesthesia: You are completely unconscious.


Understanding what sedation dentistry entails can help alleviate any anxiety you may have about dental visits, ensuring a more comfortable experience.

What Are the Many Types of Sedation?

In the realm of sedation dentistry, various forms of sedation are utilized by dentists, such as:


Inhalation Sedation (“Laughing Gas”): Patients breathe in nitrous oxide through a mask, providing a calming effect during dental procedures.

Oral Sedation: Patients consume a pill prior to the procedure to help them relax. While they remain responsive to commands and instructions, they often do not remember the experience afterwards.

IV Sedation: Administered through an intravenous line, this sedation offers a more profound state of relaxation. Patients may not have any recollection of the procedure. This method allows the dentist to adjust the sedation levels continuously.

General Anesthesia: This medication renders the patient fully unconscious throughout the dental surgery. Recovery from general anesthesia is gradual, and patients cannot be easily awakened. This approach is commonly used for procedures like wisdom tooth extraction.

Among the various sedation techniques, “laughing gas” and oral sedation are the most prevalent in sedation dentistry. The reason behind their popularity is that laughing gas is the sole type of sedation that allows patients to drive themselves home post-treatment. Conversely, other sedation methods necessitate having someone else drive the patient home.

Who Makes a Suitable Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

If visiting the dentist fills you with fear or anxiety, sedation dentistry might be a suitable option for you. This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals who:


Possess highly sensitive teeth 

Find it difficult to become numb with Novocaine 

Have a pronounced gag reflex 

Need multiple procedures completed in one visit 

Require surgery but are apprehensive about anesthesia 


Additionally, nitrous oxide can be administered by dentists in small doses to children to help alleviate severe anxiety or if they are being uncooperative. Most dentists are qualified to provide it, and it is considered safe for children to use.


What Is Sedation Dentistry? It's a method used to help patients relax during dental procedures, making the experience more comfortable and less distressing.

Benefits of Oral Sedation

Simple to Administer: To ensure you remain calm during your procedure, your dentist will give you a tablet to take. Oral sedation is the most straightforward method; simply take a pill about an hour before your appointment, and you’ll arrive feeling relaxed.


No Needles: Many individuals who fear dental visits are also anxious about needles, which are necessary for IV sedation. Instead of worrying about needle pricks, patients can opt for oral sedation by taking a sedative pill before the appointment.


Amnesia: With a high dose of benzodiazepines, patients often have little to no memory of the procedure. This can be particularly beneficial for those with dental anxiety, as they won’t recall the events during sedation.


Safe: The safety of oral sedatives is ensured by FDA regulation, making the likelihood of encountering dangerous side effects quite low.


Responsive: While sedation from the pill may make you feel drowsy, you will still be conscious and capable of communicating. You’ll be awake throughout the procedure and able to hear and follow your dentist’s instructions.


What Is Sedation Dentistry? This approach involves using medication to help patients relax during dental procedures, making it a viable option for those with anxiety or fear related to dental visits.

What Are the Dangers of Problems Associated with Sedation Dentistry?

When administered by a qualified healthcare provider, sedation dentistry is generally considered safe. However, there are potential complications that may arise. Some of the short-term risks associated with sedation dentistry include:


Prolonged drowsiness

Dry mouth (also known as xerostomia)


Nausea and vomiting

Bruising at the site of IV insertion



The effects of oral sedatives can sometimes be unpredictable, and there is a chance of experiencing an allergic reaction. Fortunately, certain medications can help address these issues.


What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Adverse Effects of Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry

When it comes to children, sedation dentistry is considered safe. Nevertheless, as a parent, it can still be worrisome when your child is introduced to new medications. The side effects associated with child sedation dentistry are typically short-lived. Despite this, they may include symptoms such as:


- Irritability

- Snoring

- Fever

- Nausea and vomiting


What Is Sedation Dentistry? It is a practice that uses medication to help patients, particularly children, remain calm during dental procedures.


How Long Does It Take to Recover?


Recovery times can vary significantly depending on the type of sedation chosen and the individual's response to the medication. For instance, those who opt for nitrous oxide typically recover within 15 to 30 minutes and are able to leave their appointment and drive home safely. On the other hand, individuals who choose oral or intravenous conscious sedation may experience a recovery period of approximately 24 hours. Understanding what is sedation dentistry can help you prepare for the recovery process associated with your chosen method of sedation.

Find Out More About Sedation Dentistry

Dental phobia is a widespread issue that many individuals struggle to overcome. Fortunately, sedation dentistry can provide a solution by helping nervous patients remain calm during cleanings and other dental procedures, ensuring their oral health isn't compromised.


If you're located in Toronto and seeking further details on what is sedation dentistry, feel free to reach out to us at Smile Dental or schedule an appointment online!

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